Monday, January 21, 2013

VDay Centers, FREEBIE, and Giveaway for commenters

Wowzas... It was a crazy weekend.  I have started blogging, making my own centers and also had 2 kiddos home with influenza... With that being said, I did get a lot of time cuddled up watching movies the kids were watching movies, I was working on centers :)  My partner in crime and I are really trying to get our name out there, so please please follow us by email if you like what you see!  I am uploading new individual activities to my TPT store as well as the entire unit of math and literacy activities.  If there is any interest in only math or only literacy activities, let me know and I could separate...

And here is the FREEBIE!!! Click on the picture.

Also, for the next 10 people who comment I will send any of the other individual activities to you...Please follow via email, comment below with your email and which other activity you would like and I will email those as soon as I can:) You can click on the picture to go to my TPT store to see a more indepth version before choosing:)

I also just linked up with a few blogs for Linky Parties. Check out all of their great freebies by clicking on each of the pics below:)

Have a great night! 


Friday, January 18, 2013

Groundhog Day Freebie-Missing Numbers

So, I have was introduced to the amazing world of educator blogs about a year ago by a wonderful Kindergarten teacher friend of mine.  Needless to say, my addicitive, no... compulsive... no Dedicated personality kept me up at night looking for resources to use with my kiddos. I have a resource room for students on IEPs in grades Kindergarten - 2nd. I have a wide variety of kiddos with an even wider variety of needs. Some of my kiddos have learning disabilities, others have other health impairments (ADHD being the most common) and others falll under the EBD or ASD umbrellas. Some of my kiddos are significantly behind their peers so they need skills taught at their individual pace but yet at a fast enough rate to ultimately minimize the gap between them and their peers. Other are close to grade level academically, but do not learn in a typical environment and need smaller groups with more differentiation and materials presented in a non-standard way. The AMAZING resources I have found through my time stalking enjoying other blogs has been simply indescribable. My kiddos are constantly asking for new center activities, etc. I have found that when I see a specific skill we are working on, I tie in a center activity/game that they really enjoy!  It has been spectacular what I have seen happen with my kiddos! 
I have found times when I couldn't find a resource within my budget or that was exactly what I was teaching, so I created my own. And I thought it time I share as so many others have done.  I am hoping to offer many freebies as well as centers and individual activities at a teacher friendly budget that people can really use! 
So, here is my first freebie! 
Also, I plan on offering another freebie for followers/people who comment on as many posts as I can... So, the first 5 followers of my blog will receive this activity for free. As you follow my blog, please leave a comment with your email and I will send you another of my groundhog activities. You tell me which one you would like.  Otherwise you can purchase at my TPT store. They are working on skills beginning sound match, CVC word match, addition, subtraction, place value, time and Kindergarten sight words. Click on the picture below to see them at TPT store to determine which one you would like for free:)